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Technical Support

Service & Technical Support are words you hear all the time, from suppliers, customers, colleagues, partners … But what does it really mean ?

For ABE, it goes through 3 main points :

 Manufacturer’s experience : you benefit of the ABE team’s experience : 20 years in servicing automated laboratory equipment, with a multilingual competence !

Local network expertise : your local distributor is a member of our exclusive network. Our partners were intensely trained at our premises in France but also abroad, in Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East, and Americas. Our worldwide distributors are carefully selected for their service approach and their customer focus.

◉ Availability & reactivity : our team is reachable by email, skype and telephone. Are you on the other side of the world ? We will do all it takes to bring you the expertise you need rapidly, and above all, relevantly !


A.B.E. also provides calibration services for your air samplers. Calibrations are made in 100L/min or 200L/min. Models calibrated:

◉ Own models : AIRWEL, AIRWEL+

◉ Old models : BC100, Sampl’air Lite® , Sampl’air Pro®

Send us your units at our premises or ask for calibration at your place.


A.B.E offers a 12 months warranty on all the range of Microbiology automates from the dispatch date. It guarantees against manufacturing defects and defective components. All returns must be returned with a Returned Materials Authorization Number (RMA).


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Alliance Bio Expertise at MEDLAB 2024

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Alliance Bio Expertise at MEDICA 2023 – Messe Düsseldorf

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Surface sampling : what about the standardization of the sampling conditions ?

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